Saturday, April 30, 2011

BEAUTIFUL Spring Photo Shoot at the Blandy Farm,

So here is the family photo session I was talking about. 
Growing up in Southern Idaho, I never understood why people thought spring was so beautiful.  It was always muddy where I grew up.  Now is lovely Virginia it is just so gorgeous you can't help but to be filled with joy.  I do love spring, I do, I do!
Now to this fabulous Family Photo Session.  I just love the family dearly, they are some of the most awesome people to know.  You are just always so happy when you are around them.
So here they are....
Just look at this view here at the Blandy Farm.  Just stunning isn't it?

I wish this family picture could capture the floral aroma in the air.  Seriously, this was such a perfect location. 
I wanted to skip and sing "The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music". 

You don't have to wait till fall to get amazing colors here! 

I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I do.  Even looking at them now it brings a big smile to my face.

1 comment:

DarbyM said...

Love this family! Amazing location, almost makes me want to move to VA! :) Great job!